Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Fairhope, AL 36532
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Fairhope AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baldwin County Association of | 251-928-1708 | 908 Plantation Blvd | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Baldwin County Properties Inc | 251-928-5305 | 205 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Bay Village Realty Inc | 251-928-1105 | 363 Commercial Park Dr | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Coldwell Banker Reehl Properties Inc | 251-990-6622 | 24190 US Highway 98 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Cortright & Company Inc Rl Est | 251-928-5141 | 106 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Cramton Real Estate | 251-928-8173 | 50 S Greeno Rd Ste D | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Dauphin Realty | 251-928-2109 | 559 N Section St | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Dauphin Realty | 251-928-2149 | 19452 US Highway 98 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
E R A Suncoast Real Estate | 251-928-3290 | 22765 US Highway 98 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Fairhope Real Estate & Architectural D | 251-928-2340 | 218 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Ford Mike Realty Co | 251-928-5827 | 18305 Scenic Highway 98 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Frank Parker L Real Estate Llc | 251-928-1882 | 72 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Gordon Curtis P & Co Inc | 251-928-1000 | 319 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Homesite Development | 251-990-3332 | 7970 County Road 24 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Leatherbury Real Estate Inc | 251-928-3465 | 247 S Greeno Rd | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Mannich's Real Estate | 251-928-0404 | 8 S Bancroft St | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
McEllmurry Real Estate Llc | 251-990-3009 | 21567 State Highway 181 | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Porter Properties | 251-928-3747 | 10 S Church St Ste B | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
Southern Realty Inc | 251-928-7962 | 394 Fairhope Ave | Fairhope | AL | 36532 |
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