Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Anniston, AL 36207
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Anniston AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anniston Bible Chapel | 256-236-0048 | 218 E F St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Anniston Bible Church | 256-236-3072 | 3230 Coleman Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Anniston Islamic Center | 256-238-8613 | 1928 Christine Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 256-237-2010 | 1590 Iron City Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Calvary Temple Assembly of God | 256-831-4550 | 1530 Greenbrier Dear Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Camp Lee | 256-238-8941 | 70 Camp Lee Farm Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Celebration Center The | 256-835-9112 | 1604 Golden Springs Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Church of the Good Shepherd Presby | 256-237-2429 | 461 Choccolocco Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Dearmanville United Methodist Churc | 256-831-0362 | 60 Dearmanville Dr N | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ Ap | 256-237-2107 | 220 E C St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Edgewood Congregational Methodist Churc | 256-236-2577 | 2700 Brighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
First Baptist Church of Dearmanville | 256-831-9200 | 4229 US Highway 78 E | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
First Presbyterian Church | 256-236-6541 | 1701 Henry Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Gaines Chapel Ame Church | 256-236-1110 | 404 A St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Golden Springs Baptist Church | 256-237-6981 | 500 Choccolocco Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Golden Springs Baptist Church | 256-236-1325 | 3 Robertson Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Golden Springs Church of Christ | 256-235-2139 | 3215 Coleman Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Greenbrier Church of Christ | 256-831-4198 | 3425 Greenbrier Dear Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Iron City Baptist Church | 256-238-1293 | 41 Mandy Ln | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
McCoy United Methodist Church | 256-236-5141 | 2600 Brighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 256-236-9821 | 101 S Christine Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
New Beginnings Ministries | 256-231-2288 | 932 Isabell Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Oconee Baptist Church | 256-238-8951 | 331 E H St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 256-236-0141 | 227 E B St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church | 256-231-2740 | 8794 Choccolocco Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Refuge Full Gospel Methodist Churc | 256-240-7200 | 401 E 22nd St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Smith Tabernacle C M E Church Parsonag | 256-235-0339 | 310 E E St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
St Mark United Methodist Churc | 256-831-4509 | 1320 Golden Springs Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
White Plains Baptist Church | 256-237-7849 | 160 White Plains Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
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