Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Anniston, AL 36207
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Anniston AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Academy of Pediatric Denti | 256-238-9233 | 1701 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Anniston Dental Group Llc | 256-236-6021 | 1613 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Benton John B Dr Jr | 256-237-1537 | 1703 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Butler Larry B Dr | 256-236-0382 | 1029 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Calhoun County Dental Center | 256-741-7340 | 230 E 10th St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Cooper Charles A Dr | 256-236-2541 | 711 E 10th St Ste A | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Cummings David Dr Dntst | 256-237-2851 | 1127 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Dr Roy T Flannagan | 256-238-8881 | 1115 Christine Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Finley James L Dr | 256-237-0672 | 1220 Christine Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Gibbs Roger D Dr Dntst | 256-237-3529 | 711 E 10th St Ste D | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Gibson David Dmd | 256-237-0603 | 313 E 10th St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Hollingsworth John Dr Dntst | 256-237-8609 | 412 E 12th St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Monroe Lindsey Dr Dntst | 256-237-1714 | 1108 Woodstock Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Peck Mallory W Jr Dmd | 256-237-2823 | 230 E 10th St Ste 203 | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Price Wallace C Dr | 256-238-1121 | 3310 Henry Rd | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Shannon Runnels Thomas L Dr | 256-231-0077 | 711 E 10th St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Shepherd James D Dr Dntst | 256-237-1881 | 414 E 12th St | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Walker Joseph A Dr Jr Dntst | 256-236-1623 | 630 Leighton Ave | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
Wall William A III Dmd | 256-236-3985 | 230 E 10th St Ste 103 | Anniston | AL | 36207 |
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