Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Anniston, AL 36201
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Anniston AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agency for Substance Abuse | 256-237-8131 | 429 Quintard Ave | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
American Red Cross | 256-236-0391 | 401 Noble St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Anniston Soup Bowl Inc | 256-236-6794 | 1516 Moore Ave | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Arc of Calhoun County | 256-236-2857 | 20 W 14th St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calh | 256-238-9622 | 29 W 14th St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Cheaha Regional Head Start | 256-237-4885 | 420 W 29th St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Community Enabler Developer Inc | 256-835-2225 | 711 Church St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Community Enabler Developer Inc | 256-237-6144 | 1411 Gurnee Ave | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Concern for Children | 256-236-4577 | 1227 Noble St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
East Central Alabama Family Options | 256-236-6888 | 15 E 11th St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Family Values Networks Inc | 256-236-6264 | 7 E 13th St Ste 323 | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Habitat for Humanity of Calhoun County | 256-237-3700 | 2300 McCoy Ave | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
Salvation Army | 256-236-5644 | 420 Noble St | Anniston | AL | 36201 |
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