Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Birmingham, AL 35203
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Design Associates Archt | 205-328-1100 | 2201 Morris Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Anderton Cosper Architects | 205-251-4907 | 2004 2nd Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Asa Granite of Birmingham Inc | 205-956-6090 | 1910 Woodlands Industrial | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Aycock James R Jr Archt | 205-933-9060 | 1827 1st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Cohen & Company Incorporated | 205-324-8864 | 2210 2nd Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Erdreich Architecture Pc | 205-322-1914 | 2332 2nd Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Hendon & Huckestein Architects Pc | 205-322-1751 | 1928 2nd Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Khafra Engineers Professional Co | 205-252-8353 | 1601 5th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Kps Group Inc | 205-251-0125 | 2101 1st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Krumdieck A Plus I Design Inc | 205-324-9669 | 2301 Morris Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Owens and Woods Partnership Arc | 205-251-8426 | 214 24th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Pka Architects Inc | 205-252-8222 | 2100 1st Ave N Ste 100 | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Sims Architectural Studio Inc | 205-326-0727 | 215 20th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Waters Jim & Associates Architect | 205-254-8037 | 209 22nd St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
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