Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Birmingham, AL 35209
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alberto Chiesa Architect Inc | 205-314-7700 | 600 Lakeshore Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Bailey Corley & Associates | 205-945-1881 | 530 Beacon Pkwy W | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Bailey Edward Architect | 205-879-5458 | 1909 Courtney Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Bailey Edward Archt | 205-879-7158 | 206 Windsor Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Bearden and Associates Llc | 205-941-1515 | 181 W Valley Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Birchfield Penuel & Assoc Aia | 205-870-1876 | 2805 Crescent Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Cla Architecture Inc | 205-970-2288 | 504 Brookwood Blvd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Hester and Associates Inc | 205-879-3134 | 2910 Linden Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Hillhouse & Associates Llc | 205-879-5899 | 1200 Beacon Pkwy E | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Israel & Associates Inc | 205-803-0075 | 2730 19th St S | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Lathan Associates Architects Pc | 205-879-9110 | 1736 Oxmoor Rd Ste 208 | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Sooter Jason D Architect | 205-871-8165 | 203 Bonita Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Stout Architecture Inc | 205-941-1540 | 216 Aquarius Dr Ste 301 | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
The Ritchie Organization | 205-324-6744 | 2200 Lakeshore Dr Ste 200 | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Traweek Kenneth E Architect | 205-871-1405 | 1300 Beacon Pkwy E Ofc | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Tri Architecture & Interior Design | 205-290-2757 | 1102 Columbiana Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
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