Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Birmingham, AL 35203
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angel Care | 205-822-1000 | Rhonda Perez Run | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Birmingham Ymca | 205-324-4563 | 2101 4th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Child Development Center of Firtd | 205-251-6059 | 518 19th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
First Presbyterian Church | 205-322-8310 | 2118 4th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Hopewell Day Care | 205-681-0640 | 9018 Hopewell Church Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Huggs & Kisses Sick Child Care | 205-324-8447 | 1716 5th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Lifechurch Learning Center | 205-853-7900 | 5567 Chalkville Mountain | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Med-A-Par | 205-981-8999 | 4252 Highway 280 E | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Precious Angels Day Care Center | 205-681-8887 | 4413 Main St | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Saint John A M E Day Care Center | 205-251-6696 | 708 15th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Tiny Footsteps To Fame Learning Academ | 205-788-5013 | 517 24th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Wee Care Academy | 205-252-6928 | 2201 1st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Wee Care Downtown | 205-322-2229 | 1815 4th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Ymca of Birmingham | 205-870-9622 | Shades Vly | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
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