Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Birmingham, AL 35208
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bush Hills Day Care Center | 205-788-7138 | 1201 8th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
C & C Kids World Inc | 205-785-0759 | 1200 4th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
God's Little Lamb Christian Day C | 205-781-6919 | 2149 47th Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Kids Konnection Child Kare Inc | 205-781-5525 | 1601 4th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Kids World | 205-925-5001 | 4941 Court R | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Lollipop Lane Christian Academy | 205-780-7002 | 2817 Lomb Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Meadow Lane Day Care Center | 205-781-0249 | 2905 Avenue U | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church Day Care | 205-781-8466 | 4716 Avenue I | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Sunny Brook Learning Center | 205-925-0964 | 1560 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Washington Christian Academy | 205-785-2062 | 2130 Warrior Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
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