Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35204
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bishop Isaiah Jackson Worship Center | 205-250-5121 | 213 8th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Broad Street Missionary Baptist Church | 205-251-1372 | 121 Morris Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Burton O L Rev | 205-324-0944 | 1620 24th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Catholic Center of Concern Welfare | 205-786-4388 | 712 4th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Center Street Baptist Church | 205-251-5788 | 2117 Center St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Davis E M Rev | 205-324-5305 | 600 Center St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Emanuel A M E Church | 205-324-9044 | 922 4th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Emanuel Temple Church of God in Chris | 205-328-8197 | 433 1st St W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Enon United Methodist Church | 205-323-4893 | 431 4th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Ephraim Temple | 205-328-3106 | 1756 17th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Faith Followers Church | 205-252-5263 | 601 1st St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First African Missionary Bapt | 205-781-4455 | 2113 17th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First Baptist Church of East Thomas | 205-252-2633 | 419 11th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First Baptist Church of Graymont | 205-252-4524 | 100 9th Ct N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First Community Baptist Church | 205-252-9632 | 2401 11th Pl N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First Congregational Christian Churc | 205-322-1331 | 1024 Center St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
First Ebenezer Baptist Church | 205-251-3319 | 420 Graymont Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Friendly Baptist Church | 205-252-0131 | 920 6th St W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Greater Guiding Light Missionary Bapt | 205-251-0535 | 320 22nd Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Greater Temple Missionary Bapt | 205-252-5991 | 300 4th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Greater Temple Missionary Bapt | 205-252-5999 | 305 4th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Holy Trinity World Outreach | 205-714-3077 | 1010 16th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Jesus Is Lord Ministry | 205-251-1005 | 1041 5th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Jones Jerry P Rev | 205-324-2909 | 503 5th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Light House Church | 205-786-8218 | 1140 Graymont Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Macedonia 17th Street Baptist Church | 205-252-4270 | 1405 13th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Mount Hebron Baptist Church | 205-324-0975 | 1618 24th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 205-251-1425 | 715 12th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Mount Zion Community Church | 205-328-4893 | 1600 19th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 205-786-5062 | 2112 17th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
New Rising Star Baptist Church | 205-324-6615 | 1121 21st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
New Salem Baptist Church | 205-323-3623 | 1632 6th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
New Testament Baptist Church | 205-323-1719 | 413 4th Ct N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
New Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 205-252-8469 | 426 5th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
North Alabama Conference Unit | 205-226-7950 | 898 Arkadelphia Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Old Sardis Baptist Church | 205-322-4362 | 1240 4th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Peace Baptist Church | 205-322-2029 | 1123 9th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Pilgrim Lutheran Church | 205-251-3451 | 447 1st St W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Saint Matthew Ame Church | 205-252-8090 | 500 11th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Saved by Grace Ministries | 205-714-4466 | 409 11th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Seventh Avenue Baptist Church | 205-323-3873 | 447 Center St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Shining Light for Lost Souls | 205-324-5744 | 528 3rd Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Smithfield Church of Christ | 205-252-2780 | 970 3rd St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 205-251-3487 | 701 11th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 205-252-0461 | 1200 13th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
St Joseph Baptist Church | 205-326-2113 | 500 9th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
St Paul Ame Church | 205-251-9438 | 300 4th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
St Peter's Missionary Baptist Church | 205-252-3370 | 2 Bankhead Hwy W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Thirgood Memorial Cme Church | 205-251-2130 | 517 Center St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Thomas Chapel Ame Zion Church | 205-252-0086 | 104 22nd Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Tittusville A O H Church of God | 205-251-1620 | 506 4th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 205-786-1605 | 900 Graymont Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
True Love Deliverance Church | 205-320-0992 | 1511 17th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 205-780-1806 | 923 Graymont Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35204 |
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