Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Birmingham Metro Campus Ministry | 205-933-6194 | 1501 13th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church | 205-324-2954 | 1800 1st St S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Channel 49 Way Tv | 205-323-1516 | 1137 10th Pl S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Christian Science | 205-328-4090 | 2835 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Christian Science | 205-933-8880 | 3116 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Dial A Loving Thought | 205-328-5683 | 2803 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
First Lutheran Church | 205-933-0380 | 2507 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Green Liberty Baptist Church | 205-252-2282 | 121 5th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Green Springs Baptist Church | 205-252-2049 | 2230 Green Springs Hwy S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Independent Presbyterian Ch | 205-933-1830 | 3100 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Living Church Ministries | 205-323-3733 | 401 Omega St S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Miller Jonathan Rabbi | 205-933-1822 | 2100 Highland Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
New Mt Zion Baptist Church | 205-324-8083 | 313 Iota Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Payne Chapel Ame Church | 205-251-3412 | 1833 Center Way S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Peace Baptist Church | 205-324-6083 | 2028 Center St S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Church | 205-251-3046 | 468 Kappa Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
Saint Paul Lutheran Church | 205-324-2063 | 132 6th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
South Elyton Baptist Church | 205-251-9691 | 100 1st St S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
St Mark C M E Church | 205-254-3724 | 316 Iota Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
St Mary's Episcopal Church | 205-933-1140 | 1910 12th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
True Light Baptist Church | 205-324-3617 | 201 6th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35205 |
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