Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35206
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Missionary Baptist Church | 205-833-9949 | 7631 1st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Believers of the Word Outreach Minist | 205-833-9700 | 7341 Naples Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Calvary Resurrection Christian Churc | 205-836-8022 | 8440 5th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Church The | 205-833-3287 | 500 Biscayne Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Counsel of Mediators Inc | 205-836-2359 | 7604 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
East Lake Full Gospel Baptist Church | 205-836-3031 | 7220 4th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
East Lake United Methodist Churc | 205-836-0760 | 7769 2nd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Family Life Center | 205-836-8919 | 8301 8th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Forty Fifth Street Baptist Church | 205-836-0095 | 7600 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Forty Six Street Baptist Church | 205-833-6222 | 230 85th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Fountian of Life Christian Cente | 205-836-9607 | 8737 4th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Grant Chapel Ame Church | 205-591-0820 | 6931 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Greater Emmanuel Temple Holiness Church | 205-833-9716 | 7901 2nd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Henderson Lee Rev | 205-833-7772 | 7125 Kimberly Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Household of Faith Church | 205-836-5758 | 7501 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Lake Highland Baptist Church | 205-836-7227 | 508 82nd St N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Lakewood Baptist Church | 205-833-2321 | 8300 9th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 205-838-2563 | 9108 14th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Mt Vernon Baptist Church | 205-833-5582 | 7600 Naples Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
New Life Evangelistic Worship Center | 205-833-0753 | 22 Oporto Madrid Blvd N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
New Rising Star Missionary Bapt | 205-833-3676 | 7400 London Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Ninevah Baptist Church | 205-833-7106 | 10 67th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Pleasant View Baptist Church | 205-836-7570 | 9000 17th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Progressive Baptist Church | 205-833-0248 | 215 84th St S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Restoration Christian Ministries | 205-836-5588 | 7921 5th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Roebuck Parkway Church of Christ | 205-833-1400 | 400 Roebuck Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Sixty Sixth Street Baptist Church | 205-591-6392 | 6531 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
South Roebuck Baptist Church | 205-836-5647 | 417 Mountain Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
South Roebuck Baptist Church | 205-836-7288 | 501 Mountain Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | 205-836-0241 | 9330 West Blvd | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
St James Baptist Church | 205-836-8513 | 7309 Oporto Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
St Paul Ame Church East Lake | 205-833-6221 | 7340 Naples Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
St Stephen Ame Church | 205-833-6211 | 1536 89th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Sure Foundation Christian Churc | 205-836-0909 | 7531 2nd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
The New Testament M B Church | 205-833-2911 | 8713 Division Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
United Baptist Ministries | 205-836-1379 | 8300 6th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Upper Room Fellowship Church of God | 205-838-1045 | 109 68th Pl N | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
Wilson Chapel United Methodist Churc | 205-836-1041 | 412 Cumberland Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35206 |
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