Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35208
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 205-787-0821 | 1930 Warrior Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Belview Church of Christ | 205-788-4050 | 1643 44th Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Bethel Ame Church | 205-781-1367 | 1300 1st Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Bush Hills Church of Christ | 205-780-5108 | 1400 4th Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Cathedral of Faith Baptist Church | 205-785-0780 | 4720 Court V | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Central Park Baptist Church | 205-785-5121 | 1900 43rd Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Central Park Missionary Baptist Church | 205-781-2436 | 1636 43rd Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Central Park United Methodist Churc | 205-923-7222 | 4616 Terrace R | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Church at Fairview The | 205-786-6252 | 2501 29th Place Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Church of Christ at Fair Park | 205-780-3919 | 2501 30th Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
E & W Enterprises | 205-923-4224 | 1621 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Fairview United Methodist Churc | 205-785-2144 | 2700 31st Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Faith Church | 205-781-3425 | 2001 Avenue Z | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
First Baptist Church Rising | 205-786-7888 | 1400 1st Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Hamilton Agee Rev | 205-786-7852 | 1320 2nd Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Healing the Hurts Ministries | 205-788-4325 | 1416 1st Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Kingdom Builders Baptist Church | 205-783-6100 | 2037 Warrior Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Love Temple Full Gospel Church | 205-786-3415 | 2617 Pike Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church | 205-780-0400 | 2200 Pike Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
New Shady Grove Baptist Church | 205-780-0554 | 1229 1st Ave W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Sardis Baptist Church | 205-786-4376 | 1615 4th Ct W | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
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