Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35209
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agee Arthur W Jr Pastor | 205-942-2252 | 600 Robert Jemison Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
All Saints' Episcopal Church Howood | 205-879-8651 | 110 W Hawthorne Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
All Saints' Episcopal Preschoolnts Dy | 205-879-1092 | 112 W Hawthorne Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Bethel A M E Church | 205-871-8057 | 2617 Mamie L Foster | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Church of Christ Homewood | 205-942-5489 | 265 W Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Church of God State Executive Offic | 205-942-2090 | 130 Vulcan Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church P C A | 205-871-7088 | 65 Old Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Dawson Memorial Baptist Church | 205-879-1758 | 1019 Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Dawson Memorial Baptist Church | 205-871-7324 | 1114 Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Edgewood Presbyterian Church | 205-871-4302 | 850 Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
First Baptist Church of Birmingham | 205-870-3888 | 2209 Lakeshore Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 205-879-7114 | 2600 Central Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 205-942-3051 | 513 Columbiana Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Oakmont United Methodist Churc | 205-942-4622 | 914 Oak Grove Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Our Lady of Sorrows Church | 205-871-8121 | 1728 Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Palisades Church of Christ | 205-871-4385 | 625 Palisades Blvd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Shades Valley Lutheran Church Elca | 205-871-3512 | 720 Shades Creek Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church | 205-980-1810 | 380 Valley Ave # 396 | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 205-879-1737 | 1400 Oxmoor Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Union Missionary Baptist Church | 205-879-6787 | 1731 26th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
Unitarian Universalist Church | 205-945-8109 | 4300 Hampton Heights Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35209 |
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