Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35218
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abyssinia Missionary Baptist Church | 205-786-5378 | 1501 Avenue L | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Bethel Ame Church | 205-780-4393 | 1524 Avenue D | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Bible Way House of Prayer | 205-788-1014 | 3501 Avenue F | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Christ Temple Deliverance | 205-786-6329 | 2512 Avenue D | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Community Presbyterian Fellowship | 205-786-3521 | 2631 Ensley 5 Points W Av | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Community Primitive Baptist Church | 205-786-0288 | 2300 Avenue G | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Corinth Baptist Church | 205-785-0236 | 1432 Avenue L | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Emmanuel Temple of Praise | 205-781-7316 | 2002 Avenue E | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Ensley Church of Christ | 205-786-5148 | 1339 Avenue S | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
First Baptist Church of Ensley | 205-788-2494 | 1508 19th Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church | 205-787-5091 | 1520 Avenue E | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Greater New Antioch Baptist Church | 205-781-7973 | 2900 Avenue G | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Hope Ministry | 205-780-8331 | 3008 Avenue E | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Hopewell Baptist Church | 205-788-4477 | 304 14th St | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Jesus Christ Church Jesus Christ Ch | 205-788-0590 | 2820 Avenue S | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Living Branches Ministries | 205-780-8320 | 1818 Avenue E | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Lord Jesus Christ Church | 205-781-3195 | 614 21st Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church | 205-781-2021 | 1329 Avenue G | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Metropolitan Cme Church | 205-787-3295 | 1600 Avenue K | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
New Life Ministries | 205-788-0503 | 1406 Avenue F | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
New Salem Primitive Baptist Church | 205-785-3567 | 1245 Avenue S | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
New Testament House of Refuge | 205-781-1437 | 1621 19th Street Ensley | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Pleasant Hills Baptist Church | 205-785-6804 | 2600 Avenue C | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Soul's Harbor Deliverance Cen | 205-788-8400 | 1921 Avenue G | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Tree of Life Christian Church One | 205-781-8733 | 1816 Avenue F | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Trinity Ame Zion Church | 205-785-9023 | 1800 Ensley 5 Points W Av | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
Warriors of the Word Church | 205-788-4969 | 2700 Avenue S | Birmingham | AL | 35218 |
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