Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35222
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Avondale Church of Christ | 205-595-2594 | 4252 2nd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Avondale United Methodist Churc | 205-592-3739 | 500 40th St S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Beloved Community Church | 205-595-6080 | 131 41st St S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Body of Christ Deliverance Min | 205-595-2762 | 900 39th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Christ Refuge Ministry | 205-591-8607 | 101 40th Pl N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
First Baptist Church of Taylor Hill | 205-591-0705 | 769 47th Pl S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Harmony Street Baptist Church | 205-591-1833 | 527 42nd Pl N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
New Bethel Baptist Church | 205-591-6525 | 222 47th St S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
New St Mark Baptist Church | 205-591-6962 | 4937 5th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Quaker Birmingham Friends Meeting | 205-592-0570 | 4413 5th Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Saint James A M E Church | 205-591-1238 | 4200 5th Ct N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
St Mark Baptist Church | 205-591-7524 | 4500 2nd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Temple of Hope Baptist Church | 205-591-5673 | 3800 3rd Ave S | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
Thirty Seventh Street Baptist Church | 205-592-3856 | 917 37th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
True Vine Evangelical Church | 205-595-9995 | 3800 5th Ct N | Birmingham | AL | 35222 |
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