Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35226
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berney Points Baptist Church | 205-979-5151 | 2250 Blue Ridge Blvd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Bluff Park Baptist Church | 205-822-3240 | 2211 McGwier Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Bluff Park United Methodist Churc | 205-822-0910 | 733 Valley St | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Ch | 205-822-4210 | 2269 Chapel Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Green Valley Baptist Church | 205-822-2173 | 1815 Patton Chapel Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Hoover First United Methodist Churc | 205-822-8099 | 1934 Patton Chapel Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Independent Presbyterian Ch | 205-822-0150 | 501 Park Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Point of Grace Ministries | 205-823-0099 | 2524 Hackberry Ln | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Presbyterian Church of the Hills Pca | 205-982-2807 | 560 Lake Crest Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Prince of Peace Catholic Church | 205-822-9125 | 4600 Moss Creek Blvd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Saint Alban's Episcopal Church Bluff Pa | 205-822-2330 | 429 Cloudland Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Shades Crest Baptist Church | 205-822-1360 | 452 Park Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Shades Mountain Bible Church | 205-822-3117 | 2230 Sumpter St | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Shades Mountain Church of Christ | 205-822-4006 | 959 Alford Ave | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
Shades Mountain Independent Chu | 205-978-6000 | 2281 Old Tyler Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35226 |
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