Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35244
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bryan Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 205-991-5275 | 2600 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Cahaba Valley Church | 205-991-5226 | 5199 Caldwell Mill Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Christ Church United Methodist | 205-991-5065 | 5191 Caldwell Mill Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Christian Life Church | 205-982-0222 | 2490 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Discovery United Methodist Churc | 205-985-4581 | 430 Emery Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Discovery United Methodist Churc | 205-987-4000 | 5487 Stadium Trace Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Dominion Baptist Church | 205-985-7578 | 2333 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Hunter Street Baptist Church | 205-985-0116 | 2600 John Hawkins Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Lamb of God Charismatic Episcopal Churc | 205-982-8598 | 2029 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Nasser D Outreach | 205-982-9996 | 1590 Cahaba River Est | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Riverchase Baptist Church | 205-985-4495 | 2020 Crossvine Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Riverchase Community Church | 205-988-8515 | 2053 Old Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Riverchase Hispanic United Methodis | 205-739-0885 | 1975 Old Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Riverchase Presbyterian Church | 205-988-8182 | 600 Riverchase Pkwy W | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Riverchase United Methodist Churc | 205-987-4030 | 1953 Old Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Trace Crossing | 205-985-7685 | 109 Mars Hill Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Valleydale Baptist Church | 205-995-5282 | 2324 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
Valleydale Church | 205-991-5282 | 501 Riverchase Pkwy E | Birmingham | AL | 35244 |
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