Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fairfield, AL 35064
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fairfield AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 205-786-5302 | 400 Milstead Rd | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Church of God | 205-780-6076 | 434 54th St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Fairfield First United Methodist Churc | 205-785-5487 | 4411 Richard M Scrushy Pk | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Fairfield Highlands United Methodis | 205-786-2163 | 842 Glen Oak Dr | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
First Baptist Church of Fairfie Mssns & | 205-785-4431 | 326 60th St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
First Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 205-780-9982 | 540 54th St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Galilee Baptist Church of Fairfield | 205-787-8923 | 219 Jerry Coleman St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Greater Lily Star Baptist Church | 205-787-3105 | 3716 Terrace G | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Jones Chapel Ame Church | 205-786-4047 | 225 57th St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Living Stone Baptist Church | 205-925-4064 | 6612 Dr Martin Luther Kin | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Miles Chapel C M E Church | 205-786-6254 | 5216 Myron Massey Blvd | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Moody Temple Cme Church | 205-788-5439 | 228 61st St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church | 205-780-5099 | 6748 Grasselli Rd | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church | 205-780-5068 | 143 Seminole Cir | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 205-923-0411 | 5400 Avenue H | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church Annex | 205-923-2588 | 5321 Court G | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Now Faith Church International | 205-786-1902 | 5008 Gary Ave | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church | 205-786-3351 | 401 52nd St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Revelation Knowledge Deliverance Min | 205-785-1142 | 5700 Avenue E | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Shady Grove Cme Methodist Churc | 205-781-1512 | 4001 Court G | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
St Paul A M E Church | 205-787-5207 | 6513 Avenue E | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
Thompson Chapel Ame Zion Church | 205-780-5826 | 201 60th St | Fairfield | AL | 35064 |
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