Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Mc Calla, AL 35111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Mc Calla AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 205-477-9210 | Old Tuscaloosa Hwy | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Bellview Baptist Church | 205-477-6258 | 6674 Eastern Valley Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
First Alliance Church | 205-477-4989 | 5900 McAshan Dr | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
First Baptist Church of Abernant | 205-477-5967 | Highway 216 | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Hepzibah Baptist Church | 205-477-4988 | 20512 Hephzibah Church Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Innerchange United Methodist Churc | 205-477-9252 | 22478 Bucksville Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Lakeview Baptist Church | 205-477-5728 | 21168 Mountain View Cir | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
McCalla Bible Church | 205-477-6071 | 5860 Old Tuscaloosa Hwy | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
McCalla Southern Baptist Church | 205-477-6131 | 6043 Moore Cemetery Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
No Condemnation World Outreach | 205-477-9682 | 22767 Tannehill Pkwy | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Rock Mountain Lake Church of God | 205-425-3408 | 6459 Rock Mountain Lake R | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Rock Mountain Lakes Baptist Church | 205-425-3424 | 6495 Rock Mountain Lake R | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Solid Rock Baptist Church | 205-477-0203 | 7065 Springer Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Sonrise Church | 205-938-3043 | 11437 Hickman Chapel Rd | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
Tannehill Valley Baptist Church | 205-477-6811 | 12858 Tannehill Pkwy | Mc Calla | AL | 35111 |
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