Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Trussville, AL 35173
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Trussville AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Argo Presbyterian Church | 205-467-7062 | 936 US Highway 11 | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Corinth Baptist Church | 205-467-6409 | 909 Argo Margaret Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Crosspoint Fbcp North Campus | 205-655-0364 | 8000 Liles Ln | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Deerfoot Baptist Church | 205-655-0798 | 5450 Mount Olive Church R | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Deerfoot Community Bible Church | 205-655-9696 | 6020 Deerfoot Pkwy | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
First Baptist Church of Trussville | 205-655-2403 | 128 N Chalkville Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
First Presbyterian Church | 205-655-7333 | 2107 Gadsden Hwy | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
First United Methodist | 205-655-3250 | 120 N Chalkville Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 205-655-0460 | 6110 Deerfoot Pkwy | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Holy Infant of Prague Catholic Church | 205-655-2541 | 215 Hewitt St | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Lola City First Baptist Church | 205-655-4519 | 2335 Floyd Bradford Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Midway Baptist Church | 205-655-8242 | 5901 Chalkville Mtn | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Mt Zion Ame Church | 205-655-9436 | 506 Pineview Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
New Heights | 205-467-2038 | 6 Bush Ln | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Trinity Christian Fellowship Fwb | 205-956-1123 | Lovick Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Trussville Church of Christ | 205-661-1578 | 106 Talley St | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Trussville Church of the Nazarene | 205-655-3375 | 6263 Service Rd | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Trussville Community Church | 205-655-0992 | 203 Linden St | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Victory Baptist Church | 205-655-5206 | 7868 Gadsden Hwy | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
Wilson Chapel United Methodist Churc | 205-655-7785 | 209 Powell Pl | Trussville | AL | 35173 |
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