Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Birmingham, AL 35243
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acton Road Family Dentistry | 205-823-2258 | 2409 Acton Rd Ste 117 | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Alling Rocklin D Dds | 205-930-4134 | 3432 Norwich Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
American Academy of Pediatric Denti | 205-969-7454 | 2894 Acton Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
American Family Orthodontics | 205-969-0130 | 3017 Pump House Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Cosgrove Thomas Dntst | 205-967-4080 | 3159 Green Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Daniel Family & Cosmetic Dentis | 205-967-0760 | 3172 Cahaba Heights Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Dino Jacovides Dr Dentist | 205-970-1866 | 3142 Cahaba Heights Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Maniscalco Michael Dmd Pc | 205-967-9100 | 3419 Colonnade Pkwy Ste 700 | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Morgan Richard E Jr Dmd | 205-823-6733 | 2512 Rocky Ridge Rd Ste D | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
Spink Bruce T Dmd Dntst | 205-967-8555 | 4005 Crosshaven Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35243 |
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