Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Birmingham, AL 35203
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aaa-Alabama | 205-323-4494 | 2001 Park Pl | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Alabama Cooperative Extension Syste | 205-325-5342 | 2121 8th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Alabama Veterans' Memorial Founti | 205-298-0045 | 100 Overton Access Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Association of Edison Illuminating Co | 205-257-2530 | 600 19th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
C A P | 205-251-0111 | 1801 3rd Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Childcare Resources | 205-795-2100 | 1904 1st Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Crippled Children's Foundation | 205-251-8423 | 2019 4th Ave N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Dress for Success Birmingham | 205-323-6640 | 214 20th St N | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Operation New Birmingham | 205-324-8796 | 505 20th St N Ste 150 | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Parkinson's Disease Information & R | 205-934-9100 | Old Hillman Bldg | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
Trussville Baseball Assn Old Facili | 205-655-3104 | 300 Pump House Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35203 |
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