Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Birmingham, AL 35216
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brakeworth Junior Academy Sevenvn | 205-987-3376 | 3520 Lorna Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Chung's Martial Arts | 205-823-8888 | 1580 Montgomery Hwy Ste 13 | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Craig Kollars' Tae Kwon Do Pluscademies | 205-823-1999 | Patton Chapel Plz | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Garlikov Rick Photography Stu | 205-822-7466 | 3239 Lorna Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Hoover City of | 205-439-2000 | 2826 Columbiana Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Hoover City School District | 205-439-1015 | 100 Municipal Dr Ste 200 | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Southminster Day School | 205-822-9531 | 1124 Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills Alternative Sch | 205-822-5834 | 1281 Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5250 | 2235 Lime Rock Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5151 | 1965 Merryvale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5100 | 1204 Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5300 | 1289 Montgomery Hwy | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5350 | 2020 Pizitz Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City of | 205-402-5200 | 2109 Tyson Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
Vestavia Hills City School District | 205-402-5400 | 17501 Liberty Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35216 |
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