Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Birmingham, AL 35208
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants | 205-788-4376 | 2259 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Bahama Wings Express Inc #6 | 205-929-4111 | 1844 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Burger King | 205-781-4598 | 2229 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Church's Chicken of Birmingham | 205-925-5048 | 1363 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Ensley Seafood | 205-780-8070 | 3100 Ensley 5 Points W Av | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Golden Dragon Inc | 205-788-8730 | 2227 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 205-787-5233 | 1928 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Krystal Company The | 205-780-0580 | 1940 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Lena's Ole Hickory Restaurant & Ca | 205-781-7837 | 3103 Ensley 5 Points W Av | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 205-780-5841 | 2201 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken | 205-781-1785 | 2239 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Rally's Hamburgers | 205-785-0115 | 1948 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Sneaky Pete's Hot Dogs | 205-788-2456 | 2211 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 205-788-6782 | 2213 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Taco Bell | 205-785-7223 | 2300 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Tasty Jamaica | 205-786-5558 | 2149 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Top That Grille II | 205-923-2422 | 1371 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
Wings Plus | 205-785-7800 | 2231 Bessemer Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35208 |
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