Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Florence, AL 35634
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Florence AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chisholm Height Baptist Church | 256-768-1199 | 9195 Highway 17 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Christian Fellowship Baptist Church | 256-757-7877 | 7150 Guston St | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Faith Tabernacle Academy | 256-767-4382 | 3601 Florence Blvd | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Grace Christian Baptist Church | 256-757-1718 | 7731 Highway 43 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Grays Chapel Freewill Baptist Church | 256-757-5600 | 12190 County Road 47 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Hopewell Ame Church | 256-767-4902 | 1300 County Road 122 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Jacksonburg Church of Christ | 256-767-4567 | 414 County Road 28 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Lighthouse of Jesus Christ | 256-766-5484 | 5531 County Road 47 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Milners Chapel | 256-757-4634 | 31301 County Road 8 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Saint Michael Catholic Church | 256-764-1885 | 2751 County Road 30 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Salem Church of Christ | 256-764-9339 | 9671 Highway 17 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
St Florian Mission Church | 256-718-3703 | 6001 County Road 47 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
Stutts Road Church of Christ | 256-272-0350 | 1366 County Road 34 | Florence | AL | 35634 |
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