Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Killen, AL 35645
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Killen AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atlas Church of Christ | 256-757-2972 | 3460 County Road 31 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Brookhill Church of Christ | 256-757-1450 | Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Center Star Church of Christ | 256-757-1598 | 5901 Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Centerstar United Methodist Churc | 256-757-3339 | 6293 Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Church of Christ-Killen | 256-757-2918 | 1560 Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
First Baptist Center Star | 256-757-1310 | 6620 Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
First Baptist Church Guest Facility | 256-757-7998 | 540 J C Mauldin Hwy | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Green Hill United Methodist Churc | 256-757-5007 | 15050 County Road 47 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 256-757-7157 | 189 Highway 72 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Killen United Methodist Church | 256-757-2148 | 201 J C Mauldin Hwy | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Marys Chapel Church of the Nazarene | 256-757-4465 | Marys Chapel Rd | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Mt Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 256-757-1532 | 586 Locke Six Rd | Killen | AL | 35645 |
New Wine Ministries | 256-757-5005 | 101 County Road 426 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
Pleasant Valley Church of Christ | 256-757-5550 | 3700 County Road 33 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
The True Tabernacle Ministeries | 256-757-8022 | 1568 Highway 43 | Killen | AL | 35645 |
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