Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Auburn, AL 36830
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Auburn AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Akridge & Balch Pc | 334-887-0884 | 730 N Dean Rd # 300 | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Blake George H III | 334-887-3866 | 203 Cook St | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Borg Liz McAdory | 334-502-4529 | 121 Mitcham Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Brown Margaret Y | 334-821-6944 | 214 N College St | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Cooper Larry G Attorney at Law | 334-502-0022 | 132 N Gay St | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Davis McLaughlin Attorneys at La | 334-821-1908 | 324 E Magnolia Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Douglas James B Attorney at Law | 334-821-1596 | 1710 Catherine Ct | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Johndrow Stephanie N Attorney at Law | 334-826-0944 | 323 E Thach Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Walton Law Firm Pc | 334-321-3000 | 2515 E Glenn Ave Ste 304 | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
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