Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Banks in Opelika, AL 36801
* Each listing below of Banks Information for Opelika AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amsouth Bank | 334-749-8151 | 715 Avenue B | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Auburnbank | 334-749-0890 | 2900 Pepperell Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Auburnbank | 334-742-9100 | 215 S 6th St | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Bancorpsouth | 334-705-4034 | 2420 Pepperell Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Bancorpsouth | 334-749-2041 | 414 S 7th St | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Charter Bank | 334-749-4412 | Midway Plaza Peppere | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Charter Bank | 334-742-0266 | 114 S 7th St | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Colonial Bank | 334-749-1423 | 600 2nd Ave | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Compass Bank | 334-887-1200 | 315 S 6th St | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
First American Bank | 334-749-8361 | 605 2nd Ave | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
First American Bank | 334-745-5761 | 2085 E Univ Dr | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Lee County Banc Shares Inc | 334-741-9755 | 2304 Gateway Dr | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Peoples Bank & Trust | 334-737-0903 | 1431 Gateway Dr | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
Regions Bank | 334-742-6695 | 1802 Thomason Dr | Opelika | AL | 36801 |
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