Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Auburn, AL 36830
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Auburn AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Annalue Drive Methodist Church | 334-821-2129 | 1345 Annalue Dr | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Auburn First Baptist | 334-887-8506 | 128 E Glenn Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Auburn United Methodist Church | 334-826-8800 | 220 E Magnolia Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Auburn United Methodist Church | 334-821-2424 | 1391 Lakeshore Ln | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Baptist Campus Ministry | 334-887-6521 | 135 N College St | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Believers Church Auburn | 334-826-7080 | 1415 Moores Mill Rd | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Bragg Avenue Church of Christ | 334-821-0996 | 315 Bragg Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Changing Dimensions Worship Center | 334-887-4327 | 246 E Glenn Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Church of Christ | 334-887-7446 | 449 N Gay St | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 334-821-0719 | 145 E Magnolia Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Farmville Baptist Church | 334-887-7361 | 3607 Al Highway 147 N | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
First Presbyterian Church of Aubur | 334-887-5571 | 143 E Thach Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Grace Baptist Church | 334-749-2634 | 6393 Lee Road 54 | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Grace Campus Ministries | 334-501-7744 | 215 E Thach Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Grace Pre-School | 334-887-5981 | 915 E Glenn Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Lakeview Baptist Church | 334-887-7094 | 1600 E Glenn Ave | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Parkway Baptist Church | 334-887-3782 | 766 E University Dr | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Pleasant View Missionary Bapt | 334-887-8446 | 7282 Al Hwy 14 W | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Shiloh Ame Zion Church | 334-725-0045 | 4900 County Road 24 | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
Tyson Chapel Ame Zion Church | 334-725-0012 | 1615 County Road 91 | Auburn | AL | 36830 |
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