Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Opelika, AL 36804
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Opelika AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beaureguard Full Gospel Revival Center | 334-745-0455 | 2089 Lee Road 42 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Child Development Center Outreapr | 334-745-0807 | 2807 Lee Road 166 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Church of Christ | 334-742-9721 | 2215 Marvyn Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Church of the Harvest | 334-745-2247 | 2520 Society Hill Rd | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Creek Stand Free Well N D Church | 334-704-0410 | 672 Lee Road 40 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Faith Freewill Baptist Church | 334-749-8213 | 3920 Marvyn Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Garden of Gethsemane Fellowship Chur | 334-745-2686 | 915 Old Columbus Rd | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Hopewell United Methodist Churc | 334-745-0460 | 1993 Lee Road 136 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Living Way Ministries | 334-749-6241 | 1100 Old Columbus Rd | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Marvyn Parkway Baptist Church | 334-705-8900 | 3001 Marvyn Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Mount Olive Church | 334-742-9175 | 4910 Lee Road 54 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Move of God Fellowship Church | 334-741-1006 | 1119 Old Columbus Rd | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Nazareth Baptist Church | 334-749-3994 | 4454 Lee Road 166 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
New Life Baptist Church | 334-737-3049 | 24533 US Highway 80 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Pine Grove United Methodist Churc | 334-749-8874 | 7235 US Highway 29 N | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Ridge Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 334-745-3600 | 1098 Lee Road 155 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Rising Star Baptist Church | 334-704-0011 | 21935 US Highway 80 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Shiloh Ame Zion Church | 334-742-0508 | 333 Lee Road 166 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
St Ellis Church | 334-298-4319 | 5267 US Highway 80 W | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Watoola Methodist Church | 334-749-7000 | 1370 Lee Road 38 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Wesley Memorial U M Church | 334-745-2841 | 2506 Marvyn Pkwy | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
Zion at the Hill A M E Zion Church | 334-742-0203 | 3845 Lee Road 29 | Opelika | AL | 36804 |
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