Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Huntsville, AL 35801
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Huntsville AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Architect Office of Jerry Stallings | 256-536-1192 | 900 Wellman Ave NE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Baldwin Valerie C Designr | 256-533-1484 | 626 Clinton Ave W | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Bill Peters Architects Inc | 256-533-7510 | 224 Holmes Ave NE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Bird & Kamback Architects Llc | 256-536-1160 | 304 Franklin St SE # A | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Bricker Group Archt | 256-533-1585 | 702B Arcadia Cir NW | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Fuqua & Partners Architects Pc | 256-534-3516 | 112 Washington St NE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Harbarger Harvilee P Asla Landscp Ar | 256-534-0144 | 1415 E Olive Dr SE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Hay Buchanan Architects | 256-536-9292 | 200 Clinton Ave W Ste 904 | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Holland Smith Associates | 256-704-1200 | 1009 Wells Ave SE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Hughes Larrell Archt | 256-534-4220 | 415 Church St NW Ste 201 | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Jh Partners Architecture An | 256-539-0764 | 104 Jefferson St S | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Jones Edward T Architect | 256-535-4433 | 1403 Monterrey Dr SE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Joyce Prout & Associates | 256-539-9647 | 104 Southside Sq | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Kranert Lloyd H Aia Archt | 256-533-6617 | 715 Franklin St SE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Land Planning Group | 256-533-1587 | 702 Arcadia Cir NW Ste B | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Milberger & Milberger Architects | 256-534-0657 | 7500 S Memorial Pkwy Ste Ste | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Reed Elwyn Architect | 256-536-7918 | 1207 Woodmont Ave SE | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
Smith A B Architect III | 256-489-2825 | 1106 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35801 |
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