Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Huntsville, AL 35811
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Huntsville AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Community Worship Center | 256-776-8600 | 210 Ohatchee Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 256-852-5240 | Countess St NW | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church | 256-852-4353 | 118 Clearvue Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 256-539-4368 | 115 McCormick Dr NW | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Cedar Gap Baptist Church | 256-859-4611 | 2351 Highway 72 E | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Chapman Acres Church of Christ | 256-536-5296 | 2137 Penhall Dr NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Chase Community Baptist Church | 256-859-1646 | 5149 Moores Mill Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Chase Valley United Methodist Churc | 256-859-1853 | 1635 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Church of Christ Winchester | 256-851-7224 | 1471 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Consolidated Flint River & Runntr | 256-852-1885 | 2131 Highway 72 E | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Fellowship Presbyterian Church | 256-539-2418 | 3406 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Flint River Primitive Baptist Church | 256-776-9688 | 357 Everett Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Huntsville Baptist College | 256-539-0511 | 904 Oakwood Ave NW | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Huntsville Bible Church | 256-536-7581 | 2400 Andrew Jackson Way N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Lakeside United Methodist Churc | 256-536-9400 | 3738 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Moores Mill Church of Christ | 256-859-0209 | 7041 Moores Mill Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Morris Chapel Church | 256-852-5437 | 2123 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 256-837-2665 | 228 Mount Carmel Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church | 256-859-3059 | 4640 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
New Testament Baptist Church | 256-851-0664 | 127 Helena Dr | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Northside Baptist Church | 256-539-6886 | 2900 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Oak Park Baptist Church | 256-539-7920 | 2105 Cloys Ave NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Pleasant Springs Baptist Church | 256-852-4925 | 409 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Restoration Reviving Center | 256-852-1717 | 1136 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Shiloh United Methodist Church | 256-852-0586 | 485 Ryland Pike | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
St Bethel Primative Baptist Church | 256-851-6495 | 151 Daniel Dr | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Wears Chapel Missionary Baptist Church | 256-859-1721 | 938 Ryland Pike | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 256-534-6524 | 2007 Meridian St N | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Winchester Road Baptist Church | 256-852-0044 | 1262 Winchester Rd NE | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
Zion Progress Missionary Bapt | 256-828-0711 | 739 Oscar Patterson Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35811 |
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