Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Madison, AL 35758
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Madison AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury Child & Family Counseling Cent | 256-722-8091 | 980 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Asbury Thrift Store | 256-464-0460 | 8006 Madison Pike | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Big Shiloh Baptist Church | 256-772-3266 | 133 Maple St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Brook The | 256-837-6633 | 8573 Highway 72 W | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Church of Christ on Hughes Road at | 256-830-1654 | 1550 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 256-722-9450 | 1297 Slaughter Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Cornerstone Word of Life | 256-461-7055 | 132 Maple St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Crosspointe Church | 256-772-4463 | 719 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Faith Lutheran Church Lcms | 256-830-5600 | 660 Gillespie Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
First Baptist Church of Madison | 256-772-9712 | 4257 Sullivan St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Grace Baptist Church | 256-837-8821 | 122 Walnut St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Grace Presbyterian Church USA | 256-722-0508 | 5555 Wall Triana Hwy | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Grady-Madison Ame Church | 256-864-2829 | 129 Gooch Ln | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Haven Baptist Church | 256-830-4962 | 1840 Slaughter Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
International Baptist Church | 256-464-7000 | 1025 Shelton Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Little Shiloh Pb Church | 256-461-4275 | 229 Maple St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Living Word Fellowship | 256-895-9228 | 1477 Slaughter Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison Assembly of God | 256-721-1999 | 1475 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison Bible Church | 256-430-0722 | 1520 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison Church of Christ | 256-772-3911 | 556 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison Mission Sda Church | 256-464-9488 | 183 Shelton Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison United Methodist Churc | 256-772-9205 | 125 Church St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Madison Worship Center | 256-721-4595 | 5290 Wall Triana Hwy | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 256-721-0041 | 7740 Highway 72 W | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Moses Chapel Primitive Baptist Church | 256-461-0083 | 372 Mose Chapel Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Phillip Tabernacle Primitive Bapti | 256-830-5398 | 930 Balch Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Providence Presbyterian Church Opc | 256-722-0227 | 7745 Highway 72 W | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Skyline Aba Baptist Church | 256-971-0420 | Slaughter Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
St Elizabeth Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 256-772-3994 | 104 Perry St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
St Peter United Methodist Churc | 256-464-0887 | 107 Stewart St | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Triana Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 256-461-0206 | 263 Stone St NW | Madison | AL | 35758 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 256-837-9737 | 1088 Hughes Rd | Madison | AL | 35758 |
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