Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Arab, AL 35016
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Arab AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Cut Above | 256-586-6742 | 637 Sundown Dr NW | Arab | AL | 35016 |
A Lasting Impression | 256-931-2137 | 1184 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Allene's Beauty Shop | 256-586-8232 | 841 N Main St | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Anthony's Hair Design | 256-931-2887 | 1946 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Brenda's Short Cuts | 256-586-6188 | 248 S Main St | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Fifth St Salon | 256-586-6144 | 618 5th St NW | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Final Touch Styling Salon | 256-931-2147 | 12 Guntersville Rd | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Friend's Hair Salon | 256-753-1050 | 9371 Al Highway 69 | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Hair Care Plus | 256-586-8322 | 1027 Brashiers Chapel Rd | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Heavenly Hair Care | 256-586-1241 | 995 Eddy Scant City Rd | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Jan Ann's Cuts & Styles | 256-586-5200 | 401 N Main St | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Mary Nell's Beauty Shop | 256-586-6216 | 894 Mobbs School Rd | Arab | AL | 35016 |
New Image Styling Salon | 256-586-4688 | 748 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
P J's Hair Care | 256-586-8056 | 18 N Main St | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Smartstyle | 256-586-9123 | 1450 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Tease Hair Salon | 256-931-3900 | 578 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Trend Setters Hair Design | 256-586-6946 | 1066 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Unique Hair Creations | 256-586-7781 | 2202 N Brindlee Mountain Pk | Arab | AL | 35016 |
Vogue Beauty Shop | 256-586-8386 | 543 5th St NW | Arab | AL | 35016 |
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