Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Guntersville, AL 35976
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Guntersville AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bakers Chapel Baptist Church | 256-582-6255 | 524 Bakers Chapel Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Church at Lake Gunterville | 256-582-5312 | 4525 Wyeth Dr | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Church of Christ East Albertville | 256-878-4080 | 4777 US Highway 431 | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Columbus City Church of Christ | 256-582-3037 | 2856 Scottsboro Hwy | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Creek Path Baptist Church | 256-582-3350 | Highway 79 S | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Fairview Baptist Church | 256-891-2085 | 340 Fairview Dr | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
First Baptist Church of Guntersville | 256-582-5141 | 1000 Gunter Ave | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
First Presbyterian Church | 256-582-3875 | 901 Gunter Ave | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
First United Methodist Church Guntersv | 256-582-5127 | 5201 Jackson Trl | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Guntersville Church of Christ | 256-582-2494 | 800 Gunter Ave | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Guntersville Fcm Church | 256-582-8695 | 8332 Al Highway 79 S | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Henryville United Methodist Churc | 256-582-8866 | Riverbend Apts | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Henryville United Methodist Churc | 256-582-2734 | 22520 US Highway 431 | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Ligon Street Church of Christ | 256-582-1413 | 1833 Ligon St | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Livingston Chapel Ame Church | 256-582-5957 | 2000 Williamson St | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Mary Etta Temple No Limit Soldirs A | 256-582-9722 | 1900 Jordan St | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Mount Carmel Baptist Church | 256-582-4466 | 4847 Georgia Mountain Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist | 256-582-0181 | 1444 Carlisle Ave | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
New Heights Baptist Church | 256-878-2737 | Corner S Broad & Wal | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Pleasant Grove Church | 256-878-5485 | Pleasant Grove Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Pleasant Hill #2 Missionary Bapp | 256-891-4685 | 2126 Pleasant Hill Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Quick-Change Boot Co | 256-582-2630 | Highway 69 W | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Saint Minor Primitive Baptist Church | 256-582-6920 | Jordan Hill Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Sweet Home Baptist Church | 256-753-2472 | 1474 Union Grove Rd | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
Warrenton United Methodist Churc | 256-582-8011 | 80 Warrenton Shores Dr | Guntersville | AL | 35976 |
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