Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Citronelle, AL 36522
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Citronelle AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 251-866-7574 | 16641 Prine Rd | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church | 251-866-5901 | Celeste Rd | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Bible Baptist Church | 251-866-2369 | 19500 N Mobile St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Charity Chapel Jesus Name Church | 251-866-7004 | Odom Rd | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Citronelle United Methodist Churc | 251-866-7423 | 7970 Lebaron Ave | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
County Line Missionary Baptist Church | 251-777-8644 | 190 Highway 45 | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 251-866-7414 | Gulf Crest Rd | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
First Baptist Church of Citronelle | 251-866-5793 | 18065 S 3rd St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
First Baptist Church of Citronelle | 251-866-2274 | 8520 State St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
First Presbyterian Church of Citro | 251-866-5340 | 7840 State St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Living Word Church | 251-866-7689 | Highway 45 N | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Living Word Church | 251-866-0170 | 20220 Oertel Trl | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 251-866-5628 | Mobile St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Mt Zion Ame Zion Church | 251-866-9922 | 4646 W Coy Smith Hwy | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Nazarene Ame Zion Church | 251-866-0037 | 19480 Road St | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church | 251-866-2238 | Mount Vernon Hwy | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
Triumph Ministry Inc | 251-866-5530 | 17980 Celeste Rd | Citronelle | AL | 36522 |
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