Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Eight Mile, AL 36613
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Eight Mile AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Christian Church | 251-452-5158 | 3825 Lott Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
College Park Baptist Church | 251-675-7037 | 5860 College Pkwy | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Eight Mile United Methodist Churc | 251-452-1725 | 4905 Saint Stephens Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Faith Challengers Ministries | 251-452-2160 | 5420 Saint Stephens Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Highpoint Baptist Church | 251-452-4601 | 2421 Lott Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Indian Springs Baptist Church | 251-649-6333 | 4241 Lott Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Lott Road Methodist Church | 251-649-9200 | 4709 Lott Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church | 251-679-6971 | 11350 Kali Oka Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Myers Memorial Baptist Church | 251-452-0501 | 307 S Shelton Beach Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Parkway Congregational Methodist Churc | 251-675-0641 | 4270 Industrial Pkwy | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Pure Word Deliverance | 251-456-1234 | 2530 S Shelton Beach Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Saraland Church of Christ | 251-675-2255 | 712 S Shelton Beach Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Shadowlawn Baptist Church | 251-675-1447 | 1401 Dogwood Trl | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
St John A M E Church | 251-679-0588 | Kushla McLeod Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Trinity Bible Methodist Church | 251-452-0054 | 4534 Hilltopper Rd | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
Trinity Faith Bible Church | 251-456-8778 | 4401 Whistler St | Eight Mile | AL | 36613 |
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