Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saraland, AL 36571
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saraland AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Ministries | 251-679-7751 | 213 Saraland Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Bayou Sara Baptist Church | 251-675-1770 | 12 Bayou Sara Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Central Church of Christ | 251-675-1489 | 225 Saraland Blvd S | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 251-675-4123 | 147 Industrial Pkwy | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
First New Testament Baptist Church | 251-679-9974 | Smoke Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Forest Lawn Baptist Church | 251-675-6798 | 10175 Celeste Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Gates Sammy Rev | 251-675-9463 | 125 Wilson Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Lafitte Baptist Church | 251-675-2539 | 3201 Lafitte Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 251-675-3837 | 27 Norton Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church | 251-675-3316 | 22 Harris Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
North Mobile Christian School | 251-679-3279 | 1255 Industrial Pkwy | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Reorganized Church of Latter Day Sain | 251-675-6670 | 7012 Kali Oka Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
River of Life Church | 251-442-3200 | 4252 Lafitte Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Saraland First Assembly of God | 251-675-4216 | 907 Shelton Beach Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Saraland United Methodist Churc | 251-675-3098 | 412 McKeough Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Saraland United Methodist Churc | 251-675-2728 | 415 McKeough Ave | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Shelton Beach Rd Baptist Churcha | 251-675-2123 | 401 Shelton Beach Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 251-675-3587 | 717 Cleveland Rd | Saraland | AL | 36571 |
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