Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Theodore, AL 36582
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Theodore AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bellingrath Road Baptist Church | 251-973-1178 | 10827 Bellingrath Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Bellingrath Road Church of Christ | 251-653-1795 | 7940 Bellingrath Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Bromstead David Rev | 251-973-2285 | 5343 Fowl River Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Faith & God Missionary Baptist Church | 251-653-6767 | 7545 Old Military Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
First Baptist Church of Theodore | 251-653-8695 | 7125 Bellingrath Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Helton Road Baptist Church | 251-653-1030 | 7500 Helton Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 251-653-6542 | 6905 Nan Gray Davis Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Magnolia Springs Baptist Church | 251-653-0251 | 6058 Theodore Dawes Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Midway Baptist Church | 251-666-2110 | 9550 Three Notch Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
New Ship Ame Zion Church | 251-973-0033 | 5313 Laurendine Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Pilgrim Rest Ame Zion Church | 251-973-2750 | 4750 Joe Carl Rd S | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
South Mobile First Baptist Church | 251-973-2322 | 10575 Dauphin Island Pkwy | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
Victory Baptist Church | 251-602-5128 | 9090 Three Notch Rd | Theodore | AL | 36582 |
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