Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Montgomery, AL 36104
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Montgomery AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Social Event Caterers | 334-265-7181 | 301 E Jefferson St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Alabama Activity Center | 334-269-0222 | 201 Dexter Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Capital Stockyard Cafe | 334-265-6033 | 1464 Furnace St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Chris' Hot Dog | 334-265-6850 | 138 Dexter Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Commerce Center | 334-264-0829 | 401 Adams Ave Ste 424 | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Embassy Suites Hotel | 334-269-5055 | 300 Tallapoosa St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Farmers Market Cafe | 334-262-1970 | 315 N McDonough St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Leslie Bailey's Silver Spoon Caterers | 334-264-1116 | 222 N McDonough St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Liz's Home Cooking | 334-262-1234 | 1679 Oak St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Nobles Restaurant & Lounge | 334-262-3326 | 129 Montgomery St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Pjr's Fish and Bbq Restaurant | 334-263-7966 | 222 W Jeff Davis Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Sadie Jim Musicn | 334-272-3077 | 436 Couiseum Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Sodexho Food Services | 334-241-9709 | 231 Montgomery St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Sophia's Bbq | 334-269-1177 | 1055 Adams Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
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