Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Montgomery, AL 36105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Montgomery AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abraham Baptist Church | 334-288-5446 | 4230 Norman Bridge Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Ambassador for Christ Church | 334-284-2395 | 300 E South Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Azell Baptist Church | 334-265-7663 | 3860 S Court St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Bethlehem Temple | 334-288-8366 | 4214 Rosa L Parks Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Big Roxanna Baptist Church | 334-288-8069 | 5001 Norman Bridge Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Canaan Missionary Baptist Church | 334-288-5118 | 2377 Butler Mill Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Church of God Pentecostal | 334-288-5007 | 4544 S Court St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Ezekiel Missionary Baptist Church | 334-262-8950 | 3630 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
First C M E Church | 334-281-4435 | 4358 Oak St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Freedom Life Christian Academy School | 334-284-4080 | 223 W Fleming Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Freedom Life Ministries | 334-281-3138 | 207 W Fleming Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Good Samaritan Baptist Church | 334-265-9983 | 955 National St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Kendrick F L Pastor | 334-262-6025 | 3638 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Legrand Community Church | 334-284-3643 | Franklin Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Life in Christ Fellowship | 334-264-3834 | 3634 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Metropolitan United Methodist Churc | 334-263-0950 | 3108 Rosa L Parks Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Miracle Deliverance Temple of Chris | 334-265-6935 | 3402 Doris Cir | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
New Beginning Baptist Church | 334-265-9281 | 3656 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
New Jerusalem Baptist Church | 334-612-0788 | 103 Underwood Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Rebirth Christian Ministries | 334-281-0910 | 321 W Fleming Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Snowdoun Baptist Church | 334-280-0217 | 6564 Norman Bridge Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
South Perry Street Church of Chris | 334-263-4244 | 3385 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Vinyard Church of Christ | 334-284-7014 | 122 John Morris Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
Weeping Mary African Methodist Episc | 334-613-0454 | 249 John Morris Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36105 |
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