Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Montgomery, AL 36109
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Montgomery AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Episcopal Church | 334-272-2591 | 645 Coliseum Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Baptist Community Ministry | 334-271-6794 | 20 Interstate Park Dr | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Body of Christ International T | 334-395-4673 | 442 Coliseum Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Carnegie Chapel Ame Zion Church | 334-244-1109 | 4151 Bienville Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Church of Christ at Perry Hill Road | 334-244-1675 | 800 Perry Hill Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
College Grove Community Church | 334-277-2564 | 4516 Wares Ferry Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Cornerstone Christian Church | 334-273-8595 | 301 Dalraida Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 334-272-1133 | 5 Arden Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Dalraida Baptist Church | 334-272-2412 | 3838 Wares Ferry Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Dalraida United Methodist Churc | 334-272-2190 | 3817 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Eastbrook Church of Christ | 334-272-4232 | 650 Coliseum Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Eastern Hills Baptist Church | 334-272-0604 | 3604 Pleasant Ridge Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
First Freewill Baptist Church | 334-277-9677 | 415 Perry Hill Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Goodpaster Larry M Bishop | 334-277-1787 | 312 Interstate Park Dr | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Montgomery Church of Christ | 334-215-1096 | 2319 Cong W L Dickinson D | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Morningview Baptist Church | 334-272-2304 | 125 Calhoun Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Perry Hill Road Baptist Church | 334-273-0405 | 3909 Vista Cir | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Perry Hill United Methodist Churc | 334-272-3174 | 910 Perry Hill Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
St Bede Catholic Church | 334-272-3463 | 3870 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
St Paul Lutheran Church Lcms | 334-272-6214 | 4475 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Veazey Terry Ministries Inc | 334-272-1469 | 4167 Beardsley Dr | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church | 334-271-0335 | 4355 Wares Ferry Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36109 |
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