Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Montgomery, AL 36104
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Montgomery AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atrium Lounge | 334-264-2231 | 120 Madison Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Brew Pub The | 334-834-2739 | 12 W Jefferson St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Burger King | 334-263-9973 | 601 Madison Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Charley's Steakery | 334-395-9883 | 5501 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Church's Chicken of Montgomery | 334-264-0550 | 1144 Adams Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Cuco's Mexican Cafe Express | 334-832-0081 | 31 S Court St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
D J's Old Post Office | 334-281-4887 | 210 Wasden Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Daisy's Diner | 334-269-0866 | 101 E Jefferson St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Davis Cafe | 334-264-6015 | 518 N Decatur St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Earl's Place | 334-265-0148 | 17 Cullman St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Felder's Cafe Riverwalk | 334-265-3663 | 201 Montgomery St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Flames Grill Downtown | 334-264-0010 | 142 Montgomery St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Fox and Hound English Pub & Grille | 334-260-0092 | Atlanta Crossing Sho | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Hamburger King | 334-262-1798 | 547 S Decatur St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Hardee's | 334-244-8989 | 1061 Perry Hill Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Isaiah's Restaurant | 334-265-9000 | 135 Mildred St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Joe's Deli | 334-271-7002 | Lagoon Park | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Mama's Sack Lunches | 334-265-5554 | 21 S Perry St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Martha's Place | 334-263-9135 | 458 Sayre St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Michael's Pub | 334-270-9824 | 3151 Watchman Dr | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Old Cloverdale Cafe | 334-264-3663 | 1614 S Decatur St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Payne Nicole Country Kitchen | 334-834-6114 | 1705 Jackson Ferry Rd | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Shogun Japanese Steak & Sushi Bar | 334-271-6999 | Marietta | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Sundown East Sandwich and Oyster Hous | 334-271-0501 | Forest Hills Shoppin | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
The Olive Room | 334-262-2763 | 121 Montgomery St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Wagon Wheel Cafe | 334-265-9979 | 1700 Bell St | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 334-284-4531 | 1195 West Blvd | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 334-264-7103 | 625 Madison Ave | Montgomery | AL | 36104 |
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