Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Decatur, AL 35601
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Decatur AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alabama Baptist Children's Home | 256-355-6893 | 1404 16th Ave SE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Morg | 256-353-0157 | 1410 7th Ave SE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Decatur | 256-340-3470 | 407 3rd St SW | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Decatur | 256-340-3460 | 1404 6th Ave SW | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Decatur | 256-355-1287 | 606 Vine St NW | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Community Action & Development | 256-308-9827 | 635 Memorial Dr SW | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Hospice of the Valley | 256-350-5585 | 216 Johnston St SE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Neighborhood Christian Centers of Alab | 256-351-7633 | 706 Bank St NE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Pact | 256-355-7252 | 245 Jackson St SE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Priceville Palace | 256-350-1666 | NE Thompson Rd | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
Volunteer Center of Morgan County | 256-355-8628 | 708 6th Ave SE | Decatur | AL | 35601 |
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