Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Birmingham, AL 35242
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Birmingham AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alvestad Jeffery Rev | 205-995-9673 | 4887 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 205-995-1700 | 1 Asbury Way | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Birmingham Community Deaf Church | 205-408-1926 | 3145 Brook Highland Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Bold Springs Presbyterian Ch | 205-991-3040 | 7544 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Briarwood Presbyterian Church A | 205-776-5900 | 6255 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Brook Highland Community Churc | 205-991-6221 | 7160 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Church of the Highlands | 205-980-5577 | 7051 Meadowlark Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Crossbridge Church of Christ | 205-991-1978 | 3039 Brook Highland Pkwy | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Dunmyer Raymond A Rev | 205-991-5488 | 5514 Double Oak Ln | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Emmanuel Lutheran Church | 205-981-7788 | 5227 Cahaba Valley Cv | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Faith Presbyterian Church | 205-991-5430 | 4601 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
I Found Hope Counseling Center | 205-408-7181 | Highway 280 | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Meadow Brook Baptist Church | 205-991-8384 | 4984 Meadow Brook Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 205-991-5252 | 5100 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
North Shelby Baptist Church | 205-995-9056 | 4100 Belcher Dr | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
North Shelby Baptist Church | 205-981-6500 | 30 Highway 41 | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
North Shelby Church of Christ | 205-980-8480 | 6500 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 205-991-3810 | 6555 Cahaba Valley Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Oak Mountain Presbyterian Ch | 205-995-9265 | 5080 Cahaba Valley Trce | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
Vineyard Church Inverness | 205-980-1690 | 4733 Valleydale Rd | Birmingham | AL | 35242 |
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