Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Calera, AL 35040
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Calera AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calera Baptist Church | 205-668-2144 | 8370 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Calera Christian School | 205-668-2521 | 2252 16th St | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Calera Church of Christ | 205-668-0005 | 7820 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Calera First United Methodist Churc | 205-668-0951 | 10317 Highway 22 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Calera First United Methodist Churc | 205-668-1860 | 7 Wildwood Way | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of G | 205-668-7764 | 1819 18th St | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Christian Life Fellowship | 205-668-6077 | 8265 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Church at Shelby Crossings | 205-621-2522 | 532 George Roy Pkwy | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Concord Baptist Church | 205-668-4402 | 11215 Highway 22 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
First Baptist Church | 205-668-2511 | 9th St | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Grants Chapel Ame Church | 205-668-3140 | 1250 Woodbine Ave | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Mountain Missionary Baptist Church | 205-668-1311 | 384 Highway 227 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
New Mt Moriah Baptist | 205-668-3053 | 5798 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Northside Baptist Church | 205-668-0192 | 750 14th St | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Rock Springs Baptist Church | 205-668-4186 | 31888 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Shelby Spring Association Cen | 205-668-0280 | 1838 Highway 84 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Shiloh United Methodist Church | 205-668-4377 | 6214 County 151 Rd | Calera | AL | 35040 |
South Shelby Baptist Church | 205-668-1485 | 1757 14th St | Calera | AL | 35040 |
Spirit and Truth Ministries and | 205-668-3060 | 8651 Highway 31 | Calera | AL | 35040 |
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