Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbiana, AL 35051
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbiana AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 205-669-9706 | Ferry Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 205-669-4108 | 2800 Highway 61 | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Apostolic Truth Center | 205-669-0075 | 30 Persimmon Ln | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 205-669-2271 | 190 Egg and Butter Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Columbiana Church of Christ | 205-669-4339 | 20120 Highway 25 | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Columbiana United Methodist Churc | 205-669-7164 | 200 N Main St | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Fellowship of Faith Community Churc | 205-669-0214 | 14 Westside Ln | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Macedonia Baptist Church The | 205-669-4803 | Depot St | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Mt Era United Methodist Church | 205-621-1430 | 3939 Highway 26 | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
New Bethesda Baptist Church | 205-669-0839 | 5778 Chelsea Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Pentecostal Church of Christ | 205-669-2900 | 670 Egg and Butter Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Shelby Baptist Association | 205-669-0514 | 205 Walton St | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Shelby Christian Fellowship Asse | 205-669-4584 | 201 Ferry Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
South Columbiana Church of Christ | 205-669-6539 | 100 Looney Rd | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
United Methodist Church | 205-669-4284 | 2735 Highway 61 | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
United Methodist Church District Office | 205-678-7307 | 745 Tara Dr | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
Wilsonville Baptist Church | 205-669-6663 | 9851 N Main St | Columbiana | AL | 35051 |
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