Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Munford, AL 36268
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Munford AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem United Methodist Churc | 256-358-0201 | 1720 McElderry Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 256-362-1690 | 40684 Al 21 Hwy | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Grace Community Church | 256-315-0707 | 3382 Woolfolk Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Greenbrier Road Baptist Church | 256-831-8854 | 1235 Greenbrier Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Hallgrove Baptist Church | 256-358-0075 | 488 Hall Grove Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Jennifer Church of Christ | 256-358-0374 | 75 Hill School Cir | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Kelly Springs Baptist Church | 256-761-1838 | 351 Curry Station Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Munford Church of Christ | 256-358-4528 | 143 Main St | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Munford United Methodist Churc | 256-358-0470 | 92 Campbell Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 256-362-4010 | Oak Grove Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Shady Grove Baptist Church | 256-358-0016 | 801 Jenifer Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church | 256-835-1449 | 1233 Silver Run Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
Sweet Home Baptist Church | 256-835-1612 | 655 Silver Run Rd | Munford | AL | 36268 |
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