Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Talladega, AL 35160
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Talladega AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Child Care Agency of Talladega Clay | 256-362-3852 | 925 North St E | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Community Action Agency of Talladegacly | 256-362-6611 | 138 Court St N | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Isaiah House Food Ministery | 256-315-2500 | 1225 Ward Ave | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Presbyterian Home for Children | 256-362-2114 | 905 Ashland Hwy | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Salvation Army of North Talledgunty Ser | 256-362-1349 | 215 Battle St E | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Samaritan House | 256-362-7698 | 1301 Allison Mill Rd | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
Talladega County Child Advocacy Center | 256-315-2662 | 305 Court St S | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
The Arc of North Talladega Count | 256-362-8064 | 16 Bemiston Ave | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
United Way of North Talladega Count | 256-362-7141 | 210 East St S | Talladega | AL | 35160 |
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