Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Northport, AL 35476
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Northport AL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Taste Above | 205-758-0572 | 2210 9th Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Bottomfeeders | 205-758-7447 | 2910 5th St | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Buddy's Ribs & Steak | 205-339-4885 | 2701 Lurleen B Wallace Bl | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Celebrations Bakery | 205-339-3221 | 1832 McFarland Blvd | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Flamingo Room Restaurant The | 205-247-7773 | 433 Main Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Johnny Ray's Bar-B-Que | 205-345-7675 | 100 McFarland Blvd | Northport | AL | 35476 |
McAlister's Deli of Tuscaloosa | 205-330-7940 | 3021 Tyler Dr | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Mr G's Italian Restaurant | 205-339-8505 | 908 McFarland Blvd | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Rumore's Deli | 205-333-7890 | 702 McFarland Blvd | Northport | AL | 35476 |
Something Special by Earline | 205-339-8007 | 3207 Main Ave | Northport | AL | 35476 |
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